Wall Ball 30 seconds to complete as many keep ups against a wall allowing the ball to bounce in between. How many can you complete? View drill
Chip Shot Challenge Chip the ball into the skills net from a short distance to show your accuracy skills. View drill
3 ball keep up challenge Keep up a ball for 10 yards and then place it in the net. 3 balls to complete and the best score / fastest time wins. View drill
Spot Rebound Challenge 30 seconds to complete as many keep ups using the spot rebounder. How many can you complete? View drill
Targets Without a goalkeeper, shooting accuracy is the key for this challenge. Aim for the side of the goals or the top bins for more points. View drill
Set & Volley Use the Quickplay replay station to set yourself up for this volley challenge View drill
Dribble Box Test your dribbling and speed and also your close control in this dribbling drill. View drill